The Maverick Region host a variety of events throughout the year at various locations around DFW. Everything from Autocross to Happy Hours, Driving Tours, and much more. If you have an idea for a new event or location, send an email to the club President.

What is an Autocross? It is a timed automobile competition, where one car at a time drives a course defined by pylons and/or painted lines on a paved surface. Penalties are assessed for hitting the pylons or crossing the painted lines. Historically, an autocross requires the ability to look at a driving course (you get to walk the course prior to driving it) and to anticipate what must be done to drive.

Club Racing
PCA Club Racing is an organized race series for members who want to take high-performance driving to the next level and compete behind the wheel.
PCA Club Racing has its own website at www.pcaclubracing.org and its own magazine, Club Racing News, where you can find out more detailed information.

A Concours d'Elegance is an event during which owners of restored and highly maintained cars compete to see which is closest to its 'as delivered' condition. In simple terms, it's a car show. During a Maverick Region concours, owners and spectators alike will enjoy viewing a wide variety of well-prepared Porsche cars. This is your not-to-be missed Maverick event!

Driving Tours
Maverick Region Tours are gatherings of PCA members and guests who meet up at a defined starting location and drive together, along an interesting route, to enjoy a unique place or destination. Tours generally last about three hours and run around 60-100 miles in length. Come join the fun and see this rolling car show!

Beware, this adventure can become highly addictive! Porsche Club of America welcomes all make and model of cars to our HPDE Track Days events. These events are opportunities for you to drive your car in a safe, controlled environment in a track setting and acquire skills that will enhance your vehicle operation in all driving situations. These are NOT racing events.

Mavs & Mochas
Mavs & Mochas is our Cars and Coffee event just for Porsche owners. Each month we feature a different Porsche model or host a car show just to make each event unique. They typically take place on the 2nd Saturday of each month and they are hosted at various locations throughout DFW. You do not need to be a PCA member to attend.

Motoring Mavs at Mayo
Motoring Mavs at Mayo, sponsored by Mayo Performance. This event will be held every third Saturday of the month, and starting time will be 9:11 am at Mayo Performance in Euless.
You now have another option to get your coffee fix and enjoy even more great Porsches.

Tech Sessions
Tech Sessions are devoted to presenting Porsche technical information. These are usually hosted by local shops.

A rally follows a course from point to point, usually on public roads, to the rules’ precise detail. It can be competitive or fun. Competitive rallies have a time schedule for checkpoints, with points deducted for arriving early or late. Fun rallies may include gimmicks (poker rally, regional interest). Discovering the intended route requires puzzle-solving or finding obscure reference points.